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How do I run to absolute or relative positions ?
How do I run to absolute or
relative positions ?
There are 2 ways of running to both absolute and relative positions.
1)  Use P_SOLL all the time and add the relative movement
     P_SOLL and use the command P_SOLL.
2)  Change the reg 35. ERR_STAT bit 9 to 1 and Bit 10 to 0.
     Reg. 35 is maybe 16 = 10 H / 0000-0000-0001-0000 B
     Reg. 35 new value 528 = 210 H / 0000-0010-0001-0000 B
     Put the relative length ( 900 ) you want to run into f.ex. P3
     and give the Reg. 43 command P_REG_P = 3,
     which will change P_SOLL to PSOLL + P3.
     If the position before is 0 then after the first command
     P_REG_P=3 the motor will move to position 900 and after
     next command P_REG_P=3 the motor will be at
     position 1800 etc.
     The register P_REG_P will become 0 automatically after
     each run.
Register 35 bits 9 and 10 are now located in reg. 36 in bit 3 and 4.

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