How do I stop a MAC motor in the middle of a move ?
It's often nessesary to stop the move in position mode because of different things.
The best way to do this is to set V_SOLL ( Register 5 ) = 0.
Afterwards it has to be decided what action should be taken.
If the motor was running in position mode and for a certain position, then P_SOLL should set to P_IST using P_NEW ( Reg. 163 ) and
CNTR_BITS ( Reg. 36 ) = CNTR_BITS + 1024 ( Bit 10 ).
If the motor was running in position mode and for a certain position, then P_SOLL should set to P_IST using P_NEW ( Reg. 4 ) and CNTR_BITS ( Reg. 36 ) = CNTR_BITS + 64 ( Bit 6 ).
V_Soll should be changed back to value before stop.