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More Information about OCX (32-bit) Element/Active X

JVL’s MacComm OCX* file makes it easy to develop Windows software with JVL’s MAC motors.

This OCX can be used with Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, and makes it easy to communicate with the MAC motor. The OCX enables applications to be easily developed in for example: Visual Basic Visual C++ Visual.Net Delphi Borland C++ Builder LabView Excel or any other environment supporting OCX controls.

The OCX makes it easy to send/read register values to/from MAC motor(s). Developers do not have to think about opening and closing the RS232 port. Communication is taken care of entirely by the OCX. The
OCX will take care of the special MAC protocol with checksum, inverse byte, register length and register format. You only have to specify a register no. to read 

from, or a register no. and value to write to. In Visual Basic the OCX only needs to be added to the controls bar, and from there dragged to a window, and it is ready to use.

Besides access to the registers the OCX also has the following features: Reset Write to flash 3 different customizable factors for easy data processing: Position Acceleration Velocity

* MacComm OCX (OLE Custom Controls. Also known as ActiveX controls)

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