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JVL Integrated Servo Motors
JVL Integrated Stepper Motors
Complete brochure describing the MAC50 to 141,
MAC400, MAC800, MAC1500 and MAC4500 range
of integrated servo motors.

MAC flyer:
LC0026GB - (English) MAC Flyer
LC0026DE - (German) MAC Flyer

Complete brochure describing the range of
integrated stepper motors, ServoStep.
ServoStep flyer:
LC0024GB - (English) ServoStep
LC0024GB - (English) ServoStep High Resolution PDF
LC0024DE - (German) ServoStep
Next generation G3 Stepper Motor Controller
Next generation G3 Servo Motor MAC404 and MAC1004
All-in-one integrated stepper motors with closed-loop, ePLC, multiturn encoder and Ethernet.

MAC flyer:
LC0034GB - (English) ServoStep G3

All-in-one integrated stepper motors with closed-loop, ePLC, multiturn encoder and Ethernet.
ServoStep flyer:
LC0035GB - (English) MAC404 / 1004


3. Generation MAC14x-F.. flyer

3. Generation MAC flyer:
LC0025GB - (English) MAC140-F 3. Generation

2. Generation MIS17 flyer
2. Generation MIS flyer:
LC0023GB - (English) MIS17x 2. Generation

MAC101/231 flyer
MAC101/231 flyer:
LC0030GB - (English) MAC101/231

2. Generation MIS23 flyer
2. Generation MIS flyer:
LC0021GB - (English) MIS23x 2. Generation
LC0021DE - (German) MIS23x 2. Generation
Older documents can be found here in our archive: JVL Documents Archive

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Tel: +45 4582 4440 Fax: +45 4582 5550 E-mail:
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