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ServoStep™ - Easy Synchronization of up to 32 axes

PRESS release: March 2025
CANopen Master-Slave Synchronization

Birkerød, Denmark - JVL A/S, one of the world’s leading producers in the field of integrated servo and stepper motors, has developed a new functionality to its ServoStep™ motors, Easy Synchronization.
Easy Master-Slave Synchronization
ServoStep™ integrated stepper motors are now capable of running Master-Slave synchronization with up to 32 axes – without the need for an external axis controller or Motion PLC. Configure the 1st motor as Master and it will automatically find all the other motors on the CAN bus and automatically synchronize them to itself.
Why the application was won
Our customer won the application because we could deliver a complete setup, with mechanics and built-in ePLC™, which allowed the customer to use minimal resources.
JVL was chosen because we could deliver an easy integrated system without the need for a complicated external PLC or motion controller. Furthermore, the JVL solution required minimal cabinet space due to built-in controllers.
The automation company appreciated JVL’s deep knowledge and know-how making them feel safe working with JVL.
Medico application from real life
A "Medical bridge" supplying ventilation, gas, lights and electricity is mounted in the ceiling of operating rooms in a hospital. The customers main product is the medico ventilation system in the middle of the bridge. The JVL ServoStep™ motors together with JVL HBAC actuators are the main hardware fully holding the weight of the 1100 kg bridge, and allows for 400 mm movement up-and-down, which allows the staff to easily access the gas, lights and electrics.

The JVL embedded PLCs, ePLC™, are the only intelligence allowing for both a handheld remote control and Modbus RTU control from the main panel.
There is one master motor controlling 3 slave motors via CAN Open DSP402 - fully integrated in the motors.
A large 1 kW 48 VDC JVL power supply is powering all 4 motors in the bridge system. Each motor is connected to JVL’s PDA072 power supply optimizer which handles return energy and provides 24 VDC control voltage.
The motors used in this application are JVL's ServoStep™ in size NEMA 34 with built-in absolute multiturn encoder, enabling the customer to make just one single homing during the installation which will keep positions during the bridge’s lifetime.
All-in-one unit
ServoStep™ has everything built-in including motor, encoder, drive electronics, control electronics with ePLC™ and optional Ethernet or CAN bus integrated into one compact unit. All major industrial Ethernet protocols like Profinet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, SERCOS, ModbusTCP/UDP and Powerlink are available.
Options include absolute multiturn encoders and STO (safe torque off, SIL3). Also included are 8 I/O points which can be individually configured as digital input or output – or analogue input. The IOs can be used as local/remote IOs for the central PLC – or used together with the ePLC™ in stand-alone applications.
Read more about JVL´s Controller with CANbus: JVL CANbus
Read more about JVL´s Integrated Stepper Motors here: MIS - Integrated Stepper Motor
Read more about JVL´s Integrated Servo Motors here: MAC - Integrated Servo Motor
Read more about JVL´s Integrated Stepper Motors - Linear actuators here: MIL - Integrated Stepper Motor Linear Actuator
For further information, please contact:
JVL A/S, Bregnerødvej 127, 3460 Birkerød, Denmark.
Tel. +45 4582 4440. E-mail: Web:
About JVL - JVL is a world leader within the development and production of efficient and compact integrated servo motors and integrated stepper motors. MAC motor® are a series of integrated brushless servo motors (up to 4500 W and 12 kW peak) and ServoStep™ are a series of integrated stepper motors (up to 25 Nm). Both motor series include motor, encoder, drive electronics, control electronics with ePLC™ and optional Ethernet integrated into one compact unit. All major industrial Ethernet protocols like Profinet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, SERCOS, ModbusTCP/UDP and Powerlink are available.
Options include: absolute multiturn encoders, STO (safe torque off, SIL3) and brakes.

JVL has more than 30 years of motion control experience and are well known for their development and production of highly specialized integrated motors with industrial Ethernet and customized improvements. The close co-operation with customers and representatives results in cost-effective and technical optimized solutions for both basic and advanced motion control applications.

JVL's wide selection of quality products for motion control applications include: Integrated brushless servo motors, integrated stepper motors, AC servo motor controllers, motor drivers (DC, AC and steppers), brakes, gearboxes, hollow rotary actuators and HMI touch panels.


JVL A/S Bregnerødvej 127 DK-3460 Birkerød Denmark
Tel: +45 4582 4440 Fax: +45 4582 5550 E-mail:
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