Separate Controller and Motor – with Closed-Loop
PRESS release: November 2021
Birkerød, Denmark - JVL A/S, one of the world’s leading producers in the field of integrated servo and stepper motors, is announcing that their stepper controllers SMC66 and SMC85 are now capable of real closed-loop with a separate motor.
- Performance equal to our integrated ServoStep™ motors – speed up to 3000 RPM
- Ideal for extreme temperatures in the range -40 to +105°C
- To be used where the smallest possible motor is needed
Closed-loop with a wide range of encoders
The new closed-loop feature for separate controllers and motors with encoder, can be used with most SSI encoders (non-Gray coded) and incremental quadrature 4096 CPR (1024 PPR) encoders and the list of applicable encoders is expanding according to requests.
This allows you to use closed-loop operation with almost any step motor mounted with an encoder using our controllers.
Special Temperatures and Compact Sizes
The non-integrated solution has identical performance to our market leading integrated closed-loop stepper motors ServoStep™ but is to be used when the temperature range is outside the working range of our integrated motors – or if an extremely compact solution is required.
Used with our PA0260 encoder the operating temperature range is -40 to +105°C.
NEMA 17 to 43 motors with built-in incremental encoders or absolute multiturn encoders are available from JVL.
JVL also offers ready-made cables for fast and easy connection of motor, encoder and controller.

For further information, please contact:
JVL A/S, Bregnerødvej 127, 3460 Birkerød, Denmark.
Tel. +45 4582 4440. E-mail: Web:
About JVL - JVL is a world leader within the development and production of efficient and compact integrated servo motors and integrated stepper motors. MAC motor® are a series of integrated brushless servo motors (up to 4500 W RMS and 13.5 kW peak) and ServoStep™ are a series of integrated stepper motors (up to 25 Nm). Both the servo motor and stepper motor series include motor, controller, ePLC™, encoder and bus system integrated into one compact unit. All industrial Ethernet protocols like Profinet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, Sercos III, ModbusTCP and Powerlink are available.
Options include: absolute multiturn encoders, STO (safe torque off, SIL3) and brakes.
JVL has more than 30 years of motion control experience and are well known for their development and production of highly specialized integrated motors with industrial Ethernet and customized improvements. The close co-operation with customers and representatives results in cost-effective and technically optimized solutions for both basic and advanced motion control applications.
JVL's wide selection of quality products for motion control applications include: Integrated brushless Servo motors, Integrated Stepper motors, AC Servo motor controllers, Motor drivers (DC, AC and Steppers), Brakes, Gearboxes, Hollow Rotary Actuators and HMI touch panels.