ServoStep NEMA17 Integrated Linear Stepper Motor up to 1100N with integrated controller
PRESS release: September 2021

Birkerød, Denmark - JVL A/S, one of the world’s leading producers in the field of integrated servo and stepper motors, is announcing a new addition to its ServoStep™ motors, a motor for easy connect of spindles with either ball screws or lead screws.
Solutions For Both Normal And High Torque Applications
The new spindle drives are part of JVL’s series of motors with application focus. The spindle drives are based on the successful ServoStep™ series of integrated stepper motors. They are intelligent motors with both the superior strength of the stepper technology and the controllability of a servo motor including closed-loop operation.
Different Movement Types
Above mentioned ServoStep™ types are with Moving Nut. Other applications might require Moving Rod types which are also available.
Moving Rod (to the left) and Moving Nut (to the right)
Superior Speed Control
The onboard SMC66 controller has a market leading resolution of 409600 counts/rev which makes the motor run smooth at any speed in increments of 0.01 RPM
All-in-one unit
ServoStep™ has everything built-in including motor, encoder, drive electronics, control electronics with ePLC™ and optional Ethernet or CAN bus integrated into one compact unit. All major industrial Ethernet protocols like Profinet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, SERCOS, ModbusTCP/UDP and Powerlink are available.
Options include absolute multiturn encoders and STO (safe torque off, SIL3).
Also included are 8 I/O points which can be individually configured as digital input or output – or analogue input. The IOs can be used as local/remote IOs for the central PLC – or used together with the ePLC™ in stand-alone applications.
Ethernet Switch for Daisy-Chain Connection
You can choose between all major Ethernet protocols and due to the built-in Ethernet switch you can connect all your motors with just one cable running between them.
Function blocks (FB) for Siemens PLCs and Add-On-Instruction (AOI) for Rockwell Allen Bradley ControlLogix PLCs are available for download.
Additionally, each motor can be equipped with an IO Junction Box for collecting sensor inputs or trigger outputs.
- All-in-one integrated unit – just add you own ball screw
- Closed-loop control
- Energy efficient due to automatic current control
- Built-in ePLC™ with 8 DIO, 24V or 0-5V (12bit) analog input with advanced filtering
- Ultra-high resolution: 409600 step/rev
- Speed-resolution down to ±0.01 RPM
- Change speed or torque or other parameters ”on-the-fly” (while driving)
- Option: Industrial Ethernet - support for all major protocols, Profinet, EtherNet/IP, SERCOS, EtherCAT, Powerlink and ModbusTCP/UDP
- Option: CANopen protocol with DS 301 and DSP 401 support. Double M12 connectors for easy daisy-chaining of the CAN bus
- Option: STO (safe torque off, SIL3)

For further details about the motor click
For further information, please contact:
JVL A/S, Bregnerødvej 127, 3460 Birkerød, Denmark.
Tel. +45 4582 4440. E-mail: Web:
About JVL - JVL is a world leader within the development and production of efficient and compact integrated servo motors and integrated stepper motors. MAC motor® are a series of integrated brushless servo motors (up to 4500 W and 13.5 kW peak) and ServoStep® are a series of integrated stepper motors (up to 25 Nm). Both the servo motor and stepper motor series include motor, controller, ePLC, encoder and bus system integrated into one compact unit. All industrial Ethernet protocols like Profinet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, Sercos III, ModbusTCP and Powerlink are available.
Options include: absolute multiturn encoders, STO (safe torque off, SIL3) and brakes.
JVL has more than 25 years of motion control experience and are well known for their development and production of highly specialized integrated motors with industrial Ethernet and customized improvements. The close co-operation with customers and representatives result in cost-effective and technical optimized solutions for both basic and advanced motion control applications.
JVL's wide selection of quality products for motion control applications include: Integrated brushless Servo motors, Integrated Stepper motors, AC Servo motor controllers, Motor drivers (DC, AC and Steppers), Brakes, Gearboxes, Hollow Rotary Actuators and HMI touch panels.
Read more about linear stepper here.
Read more about integrated stepper here.
Link to high resolution pictures
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