MotorSizer is JVL own online WEB tool you can use to find the perfect JVL motor and possibly gear for your application.
The new MotorSizer differs from the previous version in many ways, but the most important is that we now have you as a user in absolute focus, meaning that you describe your application and any requirement you might have, such as IP grade, brake requirement and STO requirement. Motor Sizer will then give you all the JVL Stepper or Servomotor and gear combos that can be used in your application. It can even tell your which motor and gear ratio is best suited to use the maximum motor power for more a compact solution and save cost !
With this calculator you can fast and easily calculate the motor size necessary for your specific motion control application. At the end of the calculation Motorsizer will help You to determine which motor from the JVL range of motors will be able to do the job.
You can choose between three different types of drive set-up like belt driven, leadscrew and rotary disc construction. When you have chosen the type of construction, you will be guided through the program and asked to fill in the data needed for the calculation. You may enter data values in different units like mm and inch.
you are in sales and give your colleagues or customer access to
MotorSizer can you follow and update their calculation. It only demand
they are registered at JVL and have a password. When you use Motor Sizer the first time, you are asked to create a user – this is to allow you to save your calculations, and continue the work later.
Once you are signed in, you can create as many applications as you like. Below you find a link to version 4.0:
The user guide are available from within MotorSizer, but you can also read it right here:
If you have questions beyond the manual, please do not hesitate to contact us on
MotorSizer is a web based software freely available on the Internet 24 hours a day.
MotorSizer makes it very easy to determine the required motor and gear size for a specific task in applications such as machine design, education and research.
MotorSizer enables you to key-in all commonly required parameter values that influence the motor torque or power required in order to achieve the desired motion.
MotorSizer can be used for calculation of the correct motor and gear size for AC-Servo, DC-Servo, and Stepper motors.
MotorSizer is very easy to use. A single screen picture is used for displaying all parameters. Once the known values have been keyed in, simply select CALCULATE to display the results of the configuration.
- Easy to use
- Single screen for all calculations - Can be used for dimensioning Step, AC-, and DC-Servo Motors - Following parameters can be keyed-in:
- Can calculate with or without gearing on various drives: Spindle - Drive belt - Disc
- Also ideal for educational purposes