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EPLAN CAE drawings

New: EPLAN-Macros for JVL-Products

Electro configuration made easy
Birkerød, 04.05.2009, the manufacturer of integrated servo and stepper motors, JVL Industri Elektronik A/S has had the 3D data of all catalog products for the mechanical design on its website in all major CAD formats free for download.
 From now on the company also supports the users of electrical engineering software EPLAN P8. On the website of the company planners and designers are able to choose selected macros of JVL products free to download and implement in their construction.
The macros contain all necessary graphical, technical and commercial information for the electro-technical design and documentation.
In contrast to previous procedure the result is significant time and cost savings for the user. With full redundancy-free data a smooth transition of the various engineering phases, such as pre-and detailed planning, documentation or even maintenance guaranteed.
To shorten the project duration and the quality increases. Whether technical macros for schematic capture, order codes for the procurement, thumbnails etc., everything is drag & drop out in the CAE project. This free service is available to all users of EPLAN P8.
And since the commercial data base is directly integrated in the database of the software, the use of the existing coupling of ERP systems to manage the article can be continued.
Download your macros here!


JVL A/S Bregnerødvej 127 DK-3460 Birkerød Denmark
Tel: +45 4582 4440 Fax: +45 4582 5550 E-mail:
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